A.B.H (anybody but Hillary) rhetoric already underway.

OneNewsNow.com has Gary Bauer saying, “So I hope that we can, as a movement, be very wise about this, and not savage candidates that we may very well have to support in 2008 if they’re running against Hillary Clinton.”

Let me be clear.  I am done with the lesser of two evils garbage.  I have been for a long time. I didn’t vote for Bush either time because of it.  Oh I know.. then I’m “throwing my vote away” by not voting for someone who can actually win. Right (sarcasm). I’d say it’s the opposite that is true.  Voting for someone you don’t think is the best person for the job is throwing your vote away.

Frankly, I’m surprised and a little disappointed to see Gary Baurer with the GOP kool-aid mustache.