Romney Elaborates on Evolution

The New York Times Blog had this:

“I believe that God designed the universe and created the universe,” Mr. Romney said in an interview this week. “And I believe evolution is most likely the process he used to create the human body.”

He was asked: Is that intelligent design?

“I’m not exactly sure what is meant by intelligent design,” he said. “But I believe God is intelligent and I believe he designed the creation. And I believe he used the process of evolution to create the human body.”

I haven’t heard a better example of double-speak, since Bill Clinton wrote me “while personally against abortion I… ” (you can fill in the rest)

For clarification the Bible says this: And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. (Genesis 2:7)

I’m not sure what the Book of Mormon says happened when God created man. But I don’t think it says we are the decedents of fish, Gov. Romney.