[Solved] Java not working in Firefox with Ubuntu Hardy 8.04

Try as I might, I could not get java to run in Firefox 3 on Ubuntu 8.04.  Turns out to be a really simple fix.

Eirik Hoem’s Blog had the answer to my problem:

I’ve been struggling with lava support for Firefox after upgrading from Ubunut 7.10 to 8.04. All I had to do was to remove the package called icedtea-gcjwebplugin. Now, I don’t know my way around java anymore, but at least it did the trick. Worth a shot if you have problems.

WordPress “Http Error.”

It’s great when you can Google something and find the fix (here) in less than 30 sec.

This is a bug that WP should be fixing very soon.  But good to know if you upload things with wordpress or if you are getting an error when you are uploading in WordPress.

Oh and a side note: I like the layout of WordPress 2.5.  Great job guys!