Why do I still have a foot in Windows?

I’ve been beta testing the new Ubuntu Hardy – and it’s now working awesome!  With the exception of a bug with Adobe/Macromedia Fireworks.

However, I still find that a couple programs are keeping me locked into windows a little longer than I would like.

Dreamweaver (yes, I can and do code by hand, but I can work faster in Dreamweaver).  You can stick Fireworks in this paragraph, because while I like The gimp, for me, it’s not as easy as Fireworks – which I’ve grown to love over the years.

Then there’s quickbooks. Whom I have warned over the phone that this month will be my last upgrade unless they get a working linux model.  That gives them a couple years to work on it.  No, I’m not some huge company with 1000 of licences but I am a sign of things to come. Vista pushed many of us to Mac and Linux.  And as Ubuntu gets better and easier and “just works” more and more, you can expect that to become the norm.

Take heed my good friends at Adobe and Intuit. I’m willing to pay for software that works well.  And I’m willing to wait with you a little longer.  But time is running up.  I’m already playing with GNUcash and getting better with The Gimp everyday.