Is Mitt Romney Good Enough to Get Into Heaven? reports Lou Sheldon is backing Gov. Mitt Romney for President.

What bothers me the most are Sheldon’s responses. First where he says he won’t back others on the ticket because…

“…it would be impractical to endorse one of them because winning the White House requires a lot of money and a large, experienced staff like Romney has.”

In other words, “I am betting on the horse with the best odds”, or “I am not concerned about principle, as much as I am winning.” More disturbing than that however is his defense of Romney’s Mormonism.

“He reads the Bible regularly. He has said — and I asked him — that he has received Jesus Christ as his personal Savior,” the pastor declares. “He believes that Jesus Christ is the divine Son of God, only Son of God divine, and was crucified, buried and raised from the dead for our behalf. So, I think as he addresses those issues, that’s certainly going to ignite good feeling [among Christians].”

First, Mormonism is a cult. Lou Sheldon certainly knows that. They frequently use similar terms as Christianity, but have a completely different understanding of things such as God, Jesus Christ, Salvation, Heaven, Hell, etc.

Secondly, IF Romney were truly born-again, he would repent and leave the Mormon Church or at the very least be extremely uncomfortable within it and in the process of leaving. Before some of you explode on me, no, I can not judge whether a person is truly saved, but we can look for visible signs of repentance and faith in Christ. If he just lacks knowledge, I’ll pray that he finds the truth and leaves the church he so adamantly defends.

Which brings up the question – Is Mitt Romney Good Enough to Get Into Heaven? Are YOU?