The jury is still out on Alito’s “conservatism”

Note to Conservative groups: This is why you should never jump out the same day and in support of the President’s position with out letting the dust clear.

While liberal special interest groups are castigating President Bush’s latest Supreme Court nominee as a far-right extremist, details are beginning to emerge that may indicate otherwise.

Read more at FPN’s Website

The Deafening Silence

Ann Coulter asks a good question to the liberals uh sorry “progressive left.”

Alito nominated, Democrats hide from base

Why aren’t Senate Democrats screaming from rooftops: “This is a judge who would force women to tell their husbands before they have an abortion! Are you people listening?”

Maybe the Democrats aren’t running from their base. Maybe they’re trying to help NARAL by preventing anyone from finding out about their agenda. If only Democrats could get the American people to believe that a group with the words “abortion” and “rights” in its name is some kind of benevolent little charity that holds bake sales.

Believe me, you don’t want the Democrats out there reminding the American people that it’s a constitutional right to abort a baby five minutes before birth. I understand that People for the American Way thinks it is “the American way” for wives not to tell their husbands about an abortion. But that’s because they need to get out more.

Read the whole thing here.

Camp turns off comments

It’s always sad to me to see someone turn off comments entirely. It’s what made Rep. Campfield’s site so great. He wasn’t afraid to hear what people had to say. That’s not to say that I think fear is behind this now. I’m sure he’s just tired of the work – some people really take the joy out of blogging somedays.

Stacey, spam prevention, comment moderation and screening is a lot easier with WordPress. If you need help, just ask around the RTB. I’m sure there are dozens who would help you out.

Dutch ‘marriage’: 1 man, 2 women

Dutch ‘marriage’: 1 man, 2 women
The Netherlands has legalized polygamy in all but name, granting a civil union to a man and two women.

Victor de Bruijn, 46, of Roosendaal “married” both Bianca, 31, and Mirjam, 35, in a ceremony Friday, the Brussels Journal reported.

“I love both Bianca and Mirjam, so I am marrying them both,” said de Bruijn who previously was married to Bianca.

Full story here.