Thank you for speaking with American Express (click!)

When telemarketers call, I love to witness to them. I usually start by being polite and hearing them out. But, After today I am thinking of not letting them talk until I am done with what I have to say first. Here’s how the call from Sheena from American express went..

I listen to her explain how great the Open Small Business Network is. I pass because I use CASH (thank you Dave Ramsey) and then explain that I am taking part in this online course that needs me to ask a stranger a few quick questions. She agrees, here’s how it went.

Ron: Sheena, do you have a religious background of some kind.
Sheena: Yes.
Ron: Can I ask what kind?
Sheena: Catholic
Ron: Okay, and if you died to day, would you go to Heaven or Hell.
Sheena: Probably Heaven.
Ron: Probably? I was hoping for a more confident answer (laugh)
Sheena: Okay (laugh) Definitely Heaven… I think.
Ron: That’s better, can you tell me why you think you’d go to Heaven?
Sheena: Because I am a good person… thank you for considering American Express have a good day. (click. dial tone)

Ahhhh!!!! See, I gotta get my part out first. Had she had hung on, I would have explained we don’t get to Heaven because of ANYTHING we do. We are not good people. We are sinners, enemies of God, who will one face Him on Judgement Day and have to give an account for the sins we’ve committed.

So here are my questions.

  • First to my fellow believers: Should I let them say their bit, or should I insist on saying my part first?
  • To those of you reading this that are not believers or you are surprised to hear you don’t get to heaven by being good. Click here and take the good person test. Then please come back and let me know how it went.
