A Petition to Bud Selig, Commissioner of Major League Baseball

It’s insane that in Major League Baseball a man can’t ask a chaplin a question and that chaplin nod the truth, without people getting in a tizzy.

Read the story and then sign this petition to Bud Selig, Commissioner of Major League Baseball

Here’s the truth. Any (Jew, Muslim, Christian, Buddhist or game show host) that fails to be righteous needs a savior. Thus two questions lie before you. Are you a good person and if you are not, how will you be made righteous before God Almighty on the day of judgment?

Our Primary Task

“You have nothing to do but to save souls. Therefore spend and be spent in this work. And go not only to those that need you, but to those that need you most… It is not your business to preach so many times, and to take care of this or that society; but to save as many souls as you can; to bring as many sinners as you possibly can to repentance.”
~ John Wesley

Does this mean I don’t get the watch?

Just got off the phone with a telemarketer. I love to share the gospel with them and hate that I ever put my home phone on the “do not call” list.

Moments ago a girl named Stephanie called and “congratulated me” for be selected to take part in a survey where I could win prizes, like a car or a watch or something. Which is really a scam to sell me Time Magazine. Anyway.

As always I listened, answered many questions, and then asked if I could ask her some things. I asked her about her background, she stated she was not Catholic but married to one, and because of their differences they didn’t go to church much. But she considered herself a Christian and a good person.

When I asked her about the moral law, she admitted she was a liar, thief and blasphemer but, would still be innocent before God. Although she couldn’t say why. When I asked if she thought she would be innocent before an earthly court – had she only broken a few laws or minor laws, she said, she would be guilty. When I asked Stephanie, why then she thought God would not see her sin… I heard a long pause followed by the dial tone.

Join me in praying for Stephanie. She has a 5 month old child.

She’s only the third person to ever hang up on me. I’ve had 5 examine their lives and relationship with Christ as a result. As an added plus, ever since I started witnessing to them, my telemarketing calls are way down. 😉

What’s wrong with Porn Sunday?

We are coming up on Porn Sunday. It’s sounds like a good idea, warning of the dangers and addictive nature of pornography. However the guys at xxxchurch.com are going about it all wrong, IMHO.

I was able to recover the old post from a pre-crash archive. Check it out here and as always, your comments are welcome.

Comments have been turned off here, but you can post them in the orig. post.